
Study by DE-CIX Finds Higher Rates of Internet Disruptions in Low-Income U.S. States

New York, 19th July 2024 – According to a new study conducted by DE-CIX, a leading internet exchange operator, low-income U.S. states experience higher rates of internet disruptions and outages compared to wealthier states. The report sheds light on the significant disparities that exist in internet access and quality across the country, highlighting the urgent need for more equitable and accessible digital infrastructure.

The study analyzed data from internet disruptions in all 50 U.S. states over a period of six months, from January to June 2024. The findings revealed that states with lower median household incomes experienced a higher frequency of internet disruptions and outages compared to states with higher median incomes.

The report also found that states with a higher percentage of rural residents were more likely to experience internet disruptions, as the lack of infrastructure and connectivity in rural areas makes it more challenging to maintain a stable internet connection.

Study by DE-CIX Finds Higher Rates of Internet Disruptions in Low-Income U.S. States
Study by DE-CIX Finds Higher Rates of Internet Disruptions in Low-Income U.S. States

The study’s findings have significant implications for low-income communities across the country, as the lack of reliable and affordable internet access can hinder access to education, healthcare, job opportunities, and other essential services.

Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated these disparities, as remote work, online education, and telehealth have become increasingly important for individuals to stay connected and access essential services. The lack of reliable and affordable internet access can further isolate low-income communities and exacerbate existing inequalities.

The study’s authors have called for urgent action to address these disparities, emphasizing the need for more investment in digital infrastructure and policies that promote equitable access to the internet. This includes expanding broadband access to rural and low-income communities, increasing competition among internet service providers, and implementing regulations that ensure fair and affordable pricing for internet services.

The report also highlights the need for better data collection and monitoring of internet disruptions, as current methods for tracking outages are often inadequate and do not capture the full extent of the problem. By improving data collection and monitoring, policymakers and internet service providers can gain a better understanding of the challenges facing low-income communities and develop more targeted solutions.

In conclusion, DE-CIX’s study on internet disruptions in low-income U.S. states highlights the urgent need for more equitable and accessible digital infrastructure. The study’s findings underscore the significant disparities that exist in internet access and quality across the country, and the urgent need for action to address these inequalities. By investing in digital infrastructure and policies that promote equitable access to the internet, policymakers can ensure that all communities have the opportunity to benefit from the advantages of connectivity and the digital economy.

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