Have you been losing more hair than usual? Some studies have suggested that there is a higher chance of hair loss in people who have a vitamin D deficiency.

Gaining weight could be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Several studies have found that people who have low levels of vitamin D are at a higher risk of gaining weight.

Vitamin D is one of the most important nutrients that helps your body absorb calcium. Someone who has an insufficient amount of vitamin D in their system may experience pain in their bones or lower back.

Have you been feeling tired lately? You may be deficient in vitamin D. When you have a vitamin D deficiency you tend to feel more lethargic than usual.

People who have a vitamin D deficiency are more likely to develop colds, infections and more.

If you do not heal as fast as you used to, you could have a vitamin D deficiency.

Low bone mineral intensity means that there is a lack of vitamin D and calcium in your body, which can put you at a higher risk of fractures.

If you have been experiencing more pain in your muscles, you could be deficient in vitamin D.