Almonds are a go-to snack for many people! They are not just tasty but packed with protein, healthy fats, and fibre.

Walnuts are known for their omega-3 fatty acids, but they are also a great source of protein, with around 15g per 100 g.

Cashews are a fantastic source of protein, containing 18 g per 100 gram.

With about 20 grams of protein per 100 grams and fewer calories compared to other nuts, pistachios are best for snacking.

They are loaded with a rich source of protein (one tablespoon offers 1 gram of protein), unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, making them one of the most nutritious seeds.

Flax seeds are more known for their fibre content, but they should not be overlooked for their protein either.

Chia seeds may be small, but they are packed with many essential nutrients such as protein, fibre, and omega-3 fatty acids.

One tablespoon of these tiny seeds is packed with 3 grams of protein, which can help you fulfill your daily requirements when combined with other protein-rich foods.

Last but not least, one tablespoon of sunflower seeds offers 2 grams of protein, which makes them a great option for snacking.