White Stripes sue Donald Trump over use of ‘Seven Nation Army’ in video

Jack and Meg White accused the Trump campaign of breaching copyright law by using “Seven Nation Army” in a social media video, the latest in a string of similar cases.

The White Stripes are suing former president Donald Trump for featuring their acclaimed track “Seven Nation Army” in a video on social media

In a lawsuit filed Monday in New York, Jack and Meg White accused the Republican presidential nominee of trying to burnish his public image

The lawsuit is the latest copyright case to plague Trump’s presidential campaign

aising questions about how to adjudicate allegations of copyright infringement in the digital era

Copyright lawyers say the cases could set an important precedent on the use of popular music in political campaigns.

The Whites, who are seeking unspecified damages, said that the fact that they “vehemently oppose the policies

adopted and actions taken by Defendant Trump” only made the alleged violation all the more offensive to them.

A spokesman for Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment early Tuesday.